Rachel Wall serves the dental community as a hygiene consultant and speaker. We asked her if she could share some advice with doctors, so she sent us this article. This is a small but effective way to help increase case acceptance just by removing TV from your ops (if it’s there).
The Venturing Dentist
A Blog Filled With Practice Growth Ideas From Dental Warranty and Friends

The Most Important Page On Your Practice Website
Mom is looking for a new dentist. Here's a super-easy, super-fast, super-affordable way to make sure she chooses you!

6 Ways Your Practice is Losing Money – Lots of It!
“I seem to be working longer and longer hours, but my receivables just don’t show it, and my overhead feels out of control. What am I doing wrong?”
If this sounds familiar to you, and is descriptive of your dental practice, you’re not alone. Many dentists, while excellent Clinicians, would rather bury their head in the sand and cross their fingers – now, there’s a visual! – when it comes to managing their finances. Their mantra: “I just want to do dentistry!”